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15 years ago

Hi T L,

Your spousal application is granted for a period of two years of which I'am sure you are aware of. Now to preserve your stay in the UK following the expiration of this leave you are advised to make an application for ILR which is decided on a discretionary basis by the Home Office. However usually applicants will be granted up to a period of 2-3 years leave. Thereon you could lodge an application for British citizenship should you wish.

Therefore to be on the safe side you are advised to lodge the ILR application up to a maximum of 1 month in advance prior to the expiration of your leave as a spouse (March 2010). Please ensure you retain a copy of this application to ensure future reference.

Hope that helps smile


15 years ago


My spousal visa gave me an entry date in March 08', but I was unable to enter the UK until June 08', so I must extend my spousal visa March 10'.  If my visa expires at the end of March, when should I apply for my visa extension? 

Does anyone know how long the visa extension will be?  I hate to delay getting my ILR for another two years because I am 2 1/2 months short of residing in the UK for 2 years.

Many thanks for your help!
15 years ago
I think you apply to extend your visa until the point where you are able to apply for ILR (30 days before you entered the UK). This means when you apply you have not overstayed your visa. You apply before your visa runs out - maybe you have 30 days as well.

It costs over £500 to do this. My husband and I did not do this as we did not have £500! So he overstayed his visa by 2 months before applying for ILR. He has just received his ILR yesterday. I do not advise you omit to extend your visa based on our experience but you should know that overstaying does not necessarily cause a problem as long as you can explain why you did so.