15 years ago
if you read the guidance notes regarding the referees, you will find out that both the referees should have known you for at least three years. That does not mean they should be in constant touch with you for three years. I am sure your GP is still a suitable referee in this case but only if you have known him for three years. If you have been relocating within the UK during the past few years, that shouldn't be a problem. As long as your GP is willing to act as your referee, you should be fine. The essential criteria for a suitable referee is the duration for which you have known him and not about the frequency of your contact with him. Hope that answers your question.

15 years ago
Thanks for the reply Mohammad Amir.I will contact my gp 2moro and hopefully he will agree 2 to that for me, but im a bit worried what if he says no!!! specially since in refree block in application form it says to give passport number of refree! and its personal thing, and 2nd to give refernce 2 anyone is not an obligation of anyone so may be gp can refuse me for refrence on that basis !!!! and then i got no whrere to go!!! but b4 i think about worst case i need 2 b bit more positive and pick my self uP!!!! AGAIN i really appriciate your reply . many thanks
15 years ago
iam going to apply for naturalisation next month but i got problem with regarding 2 refrees!!! i can arrange 1 personel refree but the other has 2 b professional and knows me for three years ! and i dont know any1 like that beacause i have never stayed in one city for that long!!! so i cant even use my doctors refernce !!!! im really worried !!!!! please some body help!!!! thanks 4 reading