  • mikeum
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14 years ago

Im not sure if this is in the right section of the forum, but if so please let me know and I will try to get it moved.

My girlfriend recently flew to the UK from the US, to stay here for 6 months, and was sent back. The reasons they gave, were that she didnt have enough money, and that they didnt trust she would return after 6 months, as 6 months was too long to be just visiting.

I spoke to the immigration officers on the phone while they were interviewing her, before a decision had been made, as she would have been staying with me in my parents house. I told them that i would be supporting her, which is why she didnt have alot of money with her during travel, and she had only just finished high school, and had therefore not been able to raise money through a job or something similar.

We were planning to look at colleges over here in the UK for her to apply to, then return to the US in april to apply for a student visa before the next school year started (if any colleges showed interest). Both me and my girlfriend informed the immigration officers of this. We had no plans of her staying here for longer than the initial 6 months, or attempt to study or work without permission. Whether or not they understood that, I am unaware of.

I am 21 and my girlfriend is 18. I have visited her 4 times now, the longest being 3 months, which was just a visit/holiday. And she has visted me once for 18 days. I have also visited her since she was sent back. We flew together on the day she got denied and we were stopped again when we arrived in the US. Most likely because they were informed that we were travelling together, as the lady who escorted my girlfriend to the gate for her returning flight, was aware of what had happened, and that I was flying back with a seat booked next to my girlfriend.

We had no problems in the US, and they let us through after a few failed attempts to reach my girlfriends father with whom we would be staying with.

Now im back in the UK, and I want my girlfriend to attempt to fly back over here, as I cant take time off work. I already broke my contract flying there for two weeks, as I have only just started work, and am not yet entitled to holiday leave. So it is important that she travels here if we want to see each other, as there is no other option at the moment.

Whether she is able to stay for 6 months, or two weeks isnt really important to us, we just want to spend christmas together.

She has her return flight in april still booked. If we were to book a two week flight, and have her not return two weeks later, but instead in april, is this illegal? She would not be staying more than 6 months.

I have also read somewhere about getting her a new passport, to decrease the chance of her being stopped. Would this work?

If we were to just have her travel again, with the same passport, for two weeks, and a good amount of money on her, is there still a good chance she would get stopped/denied access again?

What steps if any should we take before attempting to have her fly to the UK again?

Thank you very much for reading.
