  • ciare
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14 years ago
I am a British citizen and am engaged to a West African who is an overstayer by nearly five years.

He went to claim asylum last week, and is seeing a case worker on Monday.

The reason he left it so long to claim, is because we were going to go his country to get married last year, but then I lost my job, so as he was under a lot of stress he decided to apply for asylum(which I thought was a bad idea)

He has seen a solicitor who said that his claim is not strong enough, and now I am getting very worried that he will be deported.

I really don't know what to do.

I want us to get married, but don't know if this will strenghten his claim.

I don't know if we can claim that his human rights will be violated if he is sent back, as he is settled here, and has a right to a family life(we have no children)

Just so scared.


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