13 years ago
You have two options.
1. Contact your test centre and get certificate amended.
2. when you apply for ILR, write a little note with your application that your name and surname and have swapped over. I do not think it will be a problem.

Having said that, if I were you, I would try option 1 first.


  • gareth
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
13 years ago
I have the same issue, my name and surname have swapped over, when i book the test online.
But when I go to the test center, the staff have put some notes on the computer, say my name and surname have swapped over, and she have corrected for me. that is ok when i apply for settlement??

many thanks
11 years ago
Hi... i took the test yesterday.... i hv the same issue of first last name swap....

What sholud i do?...

11 years ago
Hello everyone,

First, I want to say thank you for all the useful information I have got from this forum. Everyone was very helpful.

I just got my life in the uk test passed today. However, there is a small issue.

On the certificate, I just realised that my first name and last name has been disordered (i.e. my "first name" is in the "Surname/Family Name" line and my "Surname" is in the "Other name" line.

the name spelling is identical as my passport as well as the rest of information (nationality, date of birth, town of birth, country of birth and postcode).

I'm wondering is the test certificate will be valid for applying settlement visa? if anyone has the same experience, please advise.

many thanks,
