12 years ago
Brother Khaled
Salam. Thanks. HO requires that you submit your biometric details like digital submission of finger prints and your photo (not biometric card). They suggest that you go to a post office near your location where these are done. You may find it from post office website.

Then you need to go there and submit your details. In my case the lady in the counter who took my data told me that I might get the reply from home office within 2/3 weeks. This is usual period required after you submit your details and you get a response.
You need to take the HO letter with you to post office. 
That's it. Thanks.
Maruf Ahmed
12 years ago
salam brother

thats good , inShaAllah you get the reply soon.
keep me update about the outcome. thanks.
12 years ago

yes it will affect your application. Remember the condition of your 2 years spouse visa. Both you and your wife should be able to support yourself and any other dependant relative without recourse to public fund. If you are filling Ilr form you will get to a section where they ask  if you are collecting those benefits, they will equally ask if your wife is collecting.

12 years ago
What happens is that if the application is straight forward, then you will get your ilr within a 2/3 weeks but if otherwise or it look suspicious, it will take longer to any length because they might want to investigate
12 years ago

I want to ask a question please, Can a british citizen bring is brother from africa to the UK as a family member under EU immigration law?

12 years ago
salam brother

i hope you ok , any news yet? InShaAllah you get reply soon .
12 years ago
Hello Brother Khaled
Assalam. How are you doing? I haven't got any reply after submitting my biometrics. Really stressed a bit. Thanks for your wish.
Take care.
12 years ago
salam brother

i hope you doing ok, inShaAllah you hear good news soon.
its all about waiting game now! you should of done premium service !to save you from all this stress!
12 years ago

To Maruf Ahmed

Processing of ILR takes exactly 6 months, after doing your biometrics you will not hear from them until it is 6 months then they will reply to you. It is not like before when it only takes 2 or 3 months to process. you said that you sent your application  dec 2012, so don't stress or worry to much about it, HO will get back to in june 2013 or July 2013. I went through the same thing as you.

12 years ago
If that is the case, Then your employer must have sack you because it's taking too long to sort out yourself with immigration.
I am thinking that It take just three weeks to one month if the application is straight forward and take longer time if it's not straight forward or look suspicious.
12 years ago
Thanks Lewage Smith. In that case, I will loose some important interviews for jobs. I thought it won't take more than a month after Biometrics. Oh I am devastated.
12 years ago
I am afraid I might lose the job.
12 years ago
salam brother

i hope you ok

any news yet?
12 years ago
Salam. No news so far from HO. I am still waiting and worrying.
11 years ago
Dear brother Khaled
Assalam. I am glad to inform you that I have received the ILR letter today stating that my ILR application has been granted. The BRP is on it's way to me in few days. So, it took 2 months and 22 days to get ILR from the date of application.
11 years ago
Salam brother


i am so pleased and happy to hear the outcome of your application

finally the waiting game for you is over!
El Hamdulilah
What is the BRP?
also can you tell me how much your income and your wife income on your payslip? did you show them some saving? if so how much did you show them?
could you tell me about ALL THE DOCUMMENT YOU SUBMIT with you application 

all details count!

Congrats ones again and thanks.
11 years ago

Dear brother Ahmad and every one salamualaicum

Hi everyone
My wife was granted a spouse visa in February 2011, She entered the UK on 29/March/2011, we are preparing her ILR application as the 28th of February was 28 days before the 2nd anniversary of her entry date. My question is:

  1. Do we have to submit the tenancy agreement as one of the supporting documentations? Or as long as we submit 6 x documents that shows her residence in the same address as me it doesn't matter whether tenancy agreement is included or not? The reason I asked is because our tenency agreement expired on 28/Feb/2013 too and I am not sure if we will get the renewal in time.

  2. Do we have to include our marriage certificate with the ILR application? I was told that the updated rules requires marriage certificate too - is this true? Brother Ahmad - Did you include yours?

    Here are the documents that we have at hand:

    1. My P60 (me)
    2. My payslips for 6 months (me)
    3. A letter from my employer confirming my employment, length of service and salary - I am not sure this is necessary though please comment (me)
    4. My bank statements (me)
    5. My bank statements from another bank account(me)
    6. Bank statements from a joint account (from myself and my wife)
    7. Joint water bill (me and wife)
    8. Joint Gas/elec utility bill (me and wife)
    9. My wife's medical card from the surgery (wife)
    10. NHS letter to my wife (wife)
    11. My wife's Life in the UK certificate (wife)

  3. Brother Ahmad can you please direct me to the right SET M form as I am a bit confused.

    Please kindly advice.

11 years ago
Dear brother Zayd
Assalam. Well, you first need to fill out the application SET(M) perfectly. Then you need following documents: (I submitted all these)
1) Passport size photos, yours- 1 and partner's- 2.
2) Passports of your partner and your.
3) Biometric residence permit- Your partner's
4) Marriage certificate
5) Bank statements (preferably jointly)
6) Pay slips (yours and partner's if she is working)
7) Life in the UK test letter (your partner's)
8) 6 letters to you and your partner from 3 or more different sources in last 2 years.
9) Tenancy agreement ( preferable in joint name)
10) Bank savings statement (preferably in joint names)
11) Tax credit letters (if any)
12) Work contract letters (your and your partners)

You may add more documents according to your circumstances.
Click here to download SET(M) form:

You will get the Form, Guidance Notes and Photographic guides files here.

Best wishes


11 years ago
Dear brother Khaled

Thank you very much. 

A BRP is a visa, given in the form of an ID card. This ID card replaces the visa which is placed in your passport. As the BRP is a replacement for the visa sticker in your passport, it will contain information on your immigration status. The BRP also holds a chip which will contain electronic information such as the photograph of your face and the finger print scans of both index fingers on your right and left hands.
Here are the details of the documents I submitted with my ILR applcn.
1) Passport size photos, yours- 2 and partner's- 1.
2) Passports of your partner and your.
3) Biometric residence permit- Yours
4) Marriage certificate
5) Bank statements
6) Pay slips
7) Life in the UK test letter
8) 6 letters to you and your partner from 3 or more different sources in last 2 years.
9) Tenancy agreement
10) Bank savings statement
11) Tax credit letters
12) Work contract letters (your and your partners)

I showed only £1000 on my payslips and £9000 as savings in bank. But a savings amount is not mandatory.

Best wishes on your applcn. When are you going to apply?

Maruf Ahmed

11 years ago

Dear brother Ahmed Salamualaicum

May Allah reward you for your comprehensive and sincere advice. Can you please look at my comments in red and see if you can help me. I also sent you a PM I wonder if you got it?

1) Passport size photos, yours- 1 and partner's- 2.
2) Passports of your partner and your. Do they send my passport with the application? will they keep my passport for the entire duration of the application process or do they send it sooner - I may need to travel.
3) Biometric residence permit- Your partner's - My wife done this in Islamabad when making her Spouse application in 2010 - does that count? if so shall I say YES to the question in the form? or do one in the post office?
4) Marriage certificate - Marriage cert is from back home which they used as evidence to issue my wife a spouse visa - i wonder why it is needed for ILR
5) Bank statements (preferably jointly)
6) Pay slips (yours and partner's if she is working)
7) Life in the UK test letter (your partner's)
8) 6 letters to you and your partner from 3 or more different sources in last 2 years.. I I thought we need 6 pieces of evidence to proof we are living in the same address - but from you list it seems like the 6 letters has to be in addition to the Bank statements, Life in the UK test, and tenancy agreement - correct? If so, is it 6 x letter for me and 6 x letters for my wife?

I also noticed from you reply to brother Khalid that it has to be from 3 different sources. over the 3 years period If my wife receives 3 letter 1x from GP, 1 x from hospital , 1 x from specialist but all letters are headed NHS letters are they considered as 3 sources or one source?
9) Tenancy agreement ( preferable in joint name)
10) Bank savings statement (preferably in joint names) - By this you mean our Bank statement correct?
11) Tax credit letters (if any)
12) Work contract letters (your and your partners)

