  • malikw
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18 years ago
I am not sure of your situation but I definitely will fight with Home Office on it. As long as "Life in UK Test" is concerned I think(Just my opinion) you might not have to take it again. It might be wise idea to contact an immigration solicitor at this point to see if they can suggest you better strategy.

If you write to Home Office
Write the whole story to Home Office via their Web site and ask same question just like you did here.

You can also ask them for your documents back. Tell them that you were told to do the fresh application and you need to submit test results with it.

Also ask them if you can continue on the old application as they already have the documents.
May be someone else can suggest you something better.

Good Luck

18 years ago

Hi waheed thanks for your cool opinion, the only annoying thing is that they can't give me a definitive answer to that and Nowhere in IND website related to this matter. as you said i should try and speak to an immigration solicitor, more thoughts would be appreciated.


  • malikw
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18 years ago
I can only suggest and it is up to you to do it.  I can only ask you to send them e-mail.  Verbally you have no proof what you said and what they have said.  Your mail sugeest that you have not sent them e-mail and you are happy with the explanation they have on the Web site. Trust me they don't even know what their Web site have.

Good Luck
18 years ago

Just found out that i have been mislet by an idiot post office worker, cos i should have been able to send it via recorded delivery regardless of PO Box. I have sent an email HO on 27 Jan explianing them the issue but no reply till now. I spoke with them and i have told to put it in writting as they may reconsider and then I wrote to them on 1 Feb includes copies of the  lost documents, but this time recorded delivery and waiting to hear from them. 

18 years ago
regarding Recorded delivery...

my experience has been that you can send recorded delivery to a PO Box, but it is not tracked beyond the notification...

Royal Mail was saying my last HO app was not yet on their system, after I got a confirmation of receipt from the HO. 

But you can send them, and i think it probably helps..

then again, when my passport was sent back to me recorded it was put through my door - is that allowed for recorded delivery?  how can they prove I personally received it?

  • teoroy
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18 years ago

Hi Mustafa,

which documents did they ask you to post again? I worry that I might miss some. (Sorry, a bit off topic)

Thank you.

  • raiden
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18 years ago

This is not good for a company that deals with nationality, we have to do postal order to keep track of our IMPORTANT documents, and if they lose them we get blamed for it.

It so unfair, I hope they recieve my documents.

  • malikw
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18 years ago

Mustafa, I am sorry what happens to your application.  My approach would be to find where the package is.  I think you can track it via Internet or their 0845 number if you kept the package reference number.  Your main source would be Home Office.  I suggest you contact them also by email and find out exactly where are all your documents. They should always return your documennts even if they refuse your application. If first line support cannot help you, I will talk to the supervisor. In some cases first line support has less information then you have yourself.

I doubt it if you have to do the test again. But to be honest with you I cannot trust home office people so I always have attested copies of any document that I sent to them.  it might be too late for you now but always keep copies for your self because if not all most people in Home Office are very irresponsible & careless with your important documents. They assume that the burden of proof is on you.

Good Luck
17 years ago

Hello every one sorry i haven't been round for while to reply

Thanks for all comments


The documents requested by HO are letters from colleges?Unis, Employers, HMRC ?.ect>   they claimed to cover up a gab in the residency requirements within particular dates with no more details. Honestly I don?t know why they have asked for that in first place, despite the NCS copied my passport without a single VISA in the last 5 yrs. Luckily those lost docs were letters and are less important.

As I have stated in my earlier reply I have wrote to them every thing and enclosed those docs again.

 I have been told that as long as they haven?t refunded the 68GBP and they received written letter, then they will reconsider the application.

So far I have received a confirmation receipt of the docs and the letter, but no reply nor refund yet, hence 1 assume that they reconsidering the whole application process again.


Good luck every one.





17 years ago


how r you.yesterday i passed my test.the gori lady was saying if you lost this certificate than you have to come here to pass the test again so keep it safe and sound.thats i know madem?
17 years ago

Hi Mazhar,

The subject of doing the test again is a bit wired!! pearly in my opnion, but yes you need to keep it in a safe place in order to submit with your application. My recommendation is to make a very good colour copy and keep them in a separate places just in case.
17 years ago

Just an update

its 7 months since i ve handed my appl to the NCS, still waiting replies for an email dated 27 Jan 2007 and a reconsideration letter dated 1 Feb. i called them today and they ve stated that i have to wait for 6 months before chasing up from the reconsideration date. So i have top up my patient  for 2 more months to before calling them, but who knows? i may get before that.
16 years ago


Is this post still round?

I am very glad to say that this web and its administrators have played big role in contributing to a lot of people who need a help in naturalisation’s success.

I am back after a year and half?  To make an update to this post, which may help someone?


Unfortunately the whole above story has ended against me, basically they did not re-consider my letter of the explanation but they stood firmly on their first refusal letter (a brick wall in front of me), which is saying that I did not submit the required documents on time. I wished I have had re –applied without doing that, because I was waiting for this reply at least  4-6 months and even worse  there were a new naturalisation fees coming to an effect .

So I had only one option to be naturalised which is I have to (re-applying with a new application), When I re-applied after the new fees came into force literately same as old the one, practically I have paid for the old application £268 plus the new fees £655? I got naturalised and got british passport all within 5weeks from that, but sadly no paying back nor explanation.

It was hard and annoying to me but I managed to accept it and gone through the new application,

My advice is that, if you are applying for a British naturalisation, just take it very easy as long as you meet the requirements and the rest is your luck.

I will try and be round from now on to contribute in this forum to help as much as possible, cos i have learned a lot from here

Big thanks to admin

16 years ago

I have send me naturalization application on 4/11/06 and received a letter on 11/12/06 requesting additional documents which to do with residency requirements. On 1413/12/06 I have prepared those documents and went to post office to send them via recorded delivery, but unfortunately address is PO Box which you can not send recorded delivery items. Therefore I posted via normal first class stamp on their official addressed envelope. Today I have received a letter saying that, they did not receive those documents, my application has been refused and refund of 68GBP. Then I called up for this issue and a gentle man told me, oh you have to do a fresh application. Then I have asked him whether I have to do the life in the UK test again? And he has no answer for that at all, just put me on hold and come back with nothing and I told him <ok thanks sir>.

Ok that is the story, any thoughts would be appreciated. Do I have to do that test again to re-apply? Or can I write a letter to them regarding the issue as it wasn?t my fault?

