10 years ago

Am sorry who ever response to my message. Like I said I am new to the forum. I deleted the reply by mistake, please and please can you re send your repons ? Thank you


10 years ago

In theory you can, but it will be better if you do it after you get PR.

If you apply now, HO will first examine your PR application, and if you have qualified for PR, then only (if one year has passed since you acquired PR) they will approve your naturalisation.

So, in my opinion, there is no point in applying for naturalisation right now.  Just be patient, and wait for PR confirmation. This way you will have piece of mind that you will not loose a fortune if you naturalisation is refused.

There is a further point that you should know. Once you get PR, then if you apply one year after the date of PR confirmation, then you will not have to supply any documents regarding your previous immigration status ie your status before PR.

If you apply before clocking one year from PR confirmation, then you will have to submit each and every document that you submitted for PR application. That gives another chance for HO to find problems in your previous applications.

Best of the best way would be, to wait for PR, and then wait one year after that, and then apply for naturalisation.

Patience will go a long way in getting a favourable outcome. Better to wait a little and have a favourable outcome, rather than rushing and getting some nasty surprise.



10 years ago

i am new in this forum and I will appreciate it if someone can clearify some things for me  please.  I am non eea national, married to eea national in May 2009, divorce and absolute in January 2014, retained right in July  2014, I applied for PR this month still waiting but 2 letters received.  My question is this-  can I apply for nationalisation in May 2015 as I will  clock 6yrs of  qualifying period or I still need to wait for another 12months of PR?

Thank you so much for your response in advance