19 years ago

I think it is 2. I saw the answer on the book.



19 years ago

Yes, in book it is option 2. But in the quiz option 1 is correct.

  • mfidan
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19 years ago

In the quiz you are asked to mark two answers, both European Union and Human Rights Act are correct.

I might be wrong here bu as far as I know, United Nations make judgements only for international disputes so it should not affect British Courts. However, I'll change that option so it does not confuse people.

M Fidan

19 years ago
  • malikw
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19 years ago
Let me add my 2cents worth

Remember United Nation cannot enforce any laws and no country is obligated to act on the resolution or suggestion United Nation Makes. Bottom line is United Nation does not make laws for nations. Remember the Iraq war - It was illegal and never approved by the United Nation

Therefore answer Number 2 is correct
18 years ago
I humbly suggest this question is not strictly correct, (but I know what it is getting at).

As far as I know, UK Courts are required to give effect to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). They are required to do this under the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA). The HRA, it is an Act of Parliament which requires the courts to interpret domestic legislation in conformity with the ECHR.

I respectfully suggest the question should be reworded : "British Courts are required to give effect to the judgements of "the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and European Court of Justice (ECJ)" Answer: True.

The UK is a dualist state - international treaties do not apply domestically unless there is an Act of the Westminster Parliament to direct UK Courts to give domestic effect to them. This preserves the 'sovereignty of parliament' so goes the theory...

As far as I know, there is no Act of Parliament which gives domestic effect to the UN Charter hence no relevance to British Courts.

18 years ago


British court must observe the judgements of

1. United Nations, European court and Human Rights Act.  

2. European court and Human Rights Act.

Which is the correct answer?

  • saman
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18 years ago
i thing is European court and Human right Act