18 years ago

i'm been in the uk since 30/05/2002.and been granted refegee status for 5 years 01/2006  to  01/2011.

my quetion is, i'm I alegible to apply for the citezenship?

i appreciate if any 1 have any about this matter.


18 years ago

Hi Ebakar

To be eligible for British Citizenship you must have an indefinite leave to remain and you must have had it for 12 months prior to your application (unless you are married to a British Citizen in which case you need to have the indefinate leave on the day your application is recieved in the home office).

The home office have recently changed their policy of granting an indefinite leave to remain to sucessful refugees and they now grant them 5 years to remain. You will need to apply for ILR on 01/2011 when your current leave expires. Unless you are married to a British citizen, you will then need to wait a further 12 months before you become eligible to British citizenship application.

Good luck
