12 years ago

Passed the test this morning. The questions I can remember are as follows:

- Select the true statement.
  Films classified 15 can be seen by children 15 and over only <- correct
  Films classified 15 can be seen by children under 15 accompanied by an adult
- How long do you have to work for an employer to qualify for paternity leave? Ans. 26 weeks
- You can get information on benefits from the Citizens Advice Bureau and Social Security Office, but name another two places where you can get info. Ans. Local library & local council (I think, there were two options that were obviously wrong like estate agent & bank).
- By how much has the UK population grown since 1971? Ans. About 7%
- What percentage of the population do Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Black Caribbean, Black African, Bangladeshi and mixed ethnic descent make up? Ans. About 8%
- What percentage of UK children attend private schools? Ans. 8%.
- In what year did women over 30 gain the right to vote? Ans. 1918.
- When buying a house, who arranges the legal documents between the buyer and the seller? Ans. Solicitor
- Which two countries in the UK have an established church? Ans. England & Scotland.
- Select the true statement.
  The UK has a football team.
  England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland have their own football teams <- correct
- Who is legally responsible for a child's attendance at school? Ans. The parent or guardian
- What is a common job for school-aged children to do? Ans. Deliver newspapers
- What are two jobs that the Leader of the Opposition has? Ans. Appoint shadow cabinet, point out failures & weaknesses of the Government
- Who appoints the Cabinet? Ans. The Prime Minister
- After the Second World War, people from Europe came to the UK to do what job? Ans. Help rebuild Britain
