18 years ago

18 years ago

Hi theanwer is:

The queen  / King.

18 years ago


This is a tricky question. Although the King or the Queen were the head of the Church of England however, they appoint the Archbishop of Canterbury who is the head of the Church of England.

Therefore, once appointed the head of the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury and not the Queen.

18 years ago

Hi there!

Yes and .

I have done this question with English people and they all agree that the head of the churck of England is the Queen.

I have also had help from the librarians at my local library.they are fantastic.if you can go to your local they will probalby help you, they look carefully at books and answer  your questions. I'm sure mrs.G would agree with my anwer.

It is definitely the QUEEN

18 years ago
The Head of the Anglican Church is the Queen, but the Anglican Church is LED by the Archbishop of Canterbury. To be a head of something does not necessarily mean to be the leader of something. Most obvious example: the Queen is the HEAD of state in the United Kingdom, but its "leader", meaning, the person in charge, is the Prime Minister.
The Queen, holding the title of the "Supreme Governor of the Anglican Church" is unequivocally its HEAD, at all times.
Also, the answer is "The Queen" (as there is no King now, there is no need in mentioning "him" hypothetically. Otherwise, why not mentioning Regents, who perform royal functions if the monarch is incapacitated or under 18 when succeeding to the throne).
18 years ago


You  are right .and the example you gave is very good. I had the intention of doing so but, I had to go to work so no time. Any way I asume there's no need for this now is there?


18 years ago

hi everybody:

Here is the question and it will be helpful if anyone who know the right answer. thanks a lot.

Who is the head of Church of England? Is it the Queen (king) or the Archbishop of Canterbury?