17 years ago
The fact that he's on income support doesn't mean he hasn't got a tax office. He needs to find out which one covers him (or would cover him if he were paying income tax)
17 years ago

question 4.5 reads: address of tax office or tax office reference number.

If your friend was previously employed this can be found on an old pay slip or a P60 provided the employment is in the same area he lives now..Usually three numbers followed by a slash and then a few more numbers/letters

eg  ***/*******

Or your friend could call the inland revenue, give them his/her national insurance number end they will be able to tell you the tax office address that deals with him/her .

Number can be found in the phone book
17 years ago
Hi, what if you're a housewife and has never worked. Do you leave that section uncompleted.
17 years ago

my m8 is on income support. he is going to apply for nationality. i was filling his form . there is a section where u need to write what r u doing like employed selfemployed thing. i wrote for him  (on income support)

write down that section there is another section that what is ur tax office address.

now what should he write down. ?
