13 years ago
Spouse visa is a settlement visa, not point based or anything else. I dont think it will take 60 days. If my understanding is right, most visas from usa are processed in 3-4 weeks time. I know of many cases where people got them in just two weeks. I dont think you have a long wait ahead.
13 years ago
Well, it will be 10 working days come Friday. I'm wondering if no news is good news, or whether the longer it takes the worse it could be. I suppose if it's a flat out no that wouldn't take long to figure out, right? Ugh, even I'm smart enough to know there is no way of knowing. I just can't wait until all of this is over and my husband is on a plane to me. I don't think people realise just how hard this process can be on a couple. It's so tough. Your whole future with someone lies in the hands of a bunch of people who you've never met. You're a number to them. And weirdly, nobody seems to know someone who works as a Immigration Officer!! Do they live underground or something??? Yeah......I'm having a tough time right now. Nerves are getting the better of me. I know the only thing you can do is wait, breathe deep and keep yourself busy. But all in all it's just hard. What I would give just to have an e.mail sent to my husband with him being told his Visa is being Fed Ex'd to him asap.

Sorry......Needed to vent xx
13 years ago
I know many people probably ask this question, and are probably old to just sit and wait. But, I'm just wondering if anybody has dealt with the Consulate in Chicago, and whether they have had a spouse visa go through them? My husband was sent an e.mail, just a standard one stating the different waiting times they have. It said "standard" visas are 5-15 business days. "Settlement" visas are up to 60 days, and "points based" visas are around 15 days. Well, I was of the belief that a Spouse Visa is also known as a Settlement Visa. Am I wrong? And I'm not sure if his visa is points based. Also, the lawyer said around 3 weeks was the usual wait, and 15 "business" days is around 3 weeks. So, I am confused. We are into the second week. 8 working days in. So I'm just wondering if anybody else out there has done this via Chicago. Also, when the have made a decision, how are you told? E.mail? Letter? Phone call? Love to know the details. Thanks xx