16 years ago

I think the test is about so much more than just your knowledge of the English language. It is important to know how things work in the country you are in! Im from Germany so things arent that different to how they are done over there but i would imagine that other countries do things in a completly different way.

I've lived in the UK for 5 years, am married to a British soldier for 6 years now and my children are half-english yet ive still gotta take this test! Im not happy about having to take it, especially considering how expensive it now is, but need to do it in order to get a job so i just have to get on with it.

16 years ago


I don't like having to take the test either, but I guess we can look at the situation another way.  We at least know how to write & speak English, so that is one hurdle we don't have to jump over.

Once you are done taking the test you won't have to worry about it anymore.  Instead of concentrating on why we have to take the test, concentrate more on when you can take the test.  Stay positive, that's what I'm trying to do.

16 years ago

it is not only speak english, you need to write as well. Just an example. I am from india I did not take the english test as I am an IT Professional. so there you go. It is simple.


16 years ago
why we need to do the test if we can speak english