  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
18 years ago
Befor ethe test was introduced there was a requirement for you to prove that you can read write and understand English Language. However, since the test take everything in consideration this requirement is no longer there and when you pass the test your certificate will indicate this fact.  You will have following wording on your Test Certificate:

Following your test today in knowledge of life in the United Kingdom this is to certify that you have reached the level required for the purposes of naturalisation as a British citizen under section 6 of the British Nationality Act 1981. This also confirms that your success at this test demonstrates that your level of competence in English meets the required
standard for naturalisation. No further proof of this is needed. We shall notify the Home Office of this result electronically but please also submit this letter to them with your naturalisation application form and fee

<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL=/ym/login?nojs=1">
var LetterVals =
UIStrings : {

__last : 'not used'
StateDynamic : true,
yplus_browser : false,
premium_user : false,
smsintl : "",
SidebarSyncActionType : "read",
SidebarSyncAuxActionType : "",
SidebarSyncUID : "116339",
SidebarSyncAuxUID : "",

getString : function(id)
var result = this.UIStrings🆔;
if ( result == null ) {
return "Not translated: '" + id + "'";
return result;

<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL=/ym/login?nojs=1">
var LetterVals =
UIStrings : {

__last : 'not used'
StateDynamic : true,
yplus_browser : false,
premium_user : false,
smsintl : "",
SidebarSyncActionType : "read",
SidebarSyncAuxActionType : "",
SidebarSyncUID : "116339",
SidebarSyncAuxUID : "",

getString : function(id)
var result = this.UIStrings🆔;
if ( result == null ) {
return "Not translated: '" + id + "'";
return result;