11 years ago
When you travel to UK, you will have an address in UK.
Unless you want to stay somewhere that does not have an address :(

11 years ago
Many thanks for your reply.
But even if i use the hotel or the family member's house i stay at for my address how can i get a gas bill, phone bill, bank statement or a letter from the home office which is apparently required as proof of address to sit the test?
11 years ago
It will be a good idea to live at a friend or family's house. if they have objections to you obtaining any documents on their address, then you might want to look at cheap bedsit acommodation, and apply for a provisional driving license, and use this as proof of address.
11 years ago
i living in birmingham and own house there but nowadays i came to glasgow for time being coz of my work,
so can i give test in glasgow? i stay in glasgow as temprory and also have one bill on my name in temprory adress(glasgow).
Many thanks

11 years ago
Check out the life in uk test booking website and see if you can book. They clearly state what address proofs they require to book the test.


11 years ago
I have not lived in the UK but I believe I qualify for British citizenship through my British spouse being in designated service outside the UK. I need to take the Life in the UK test. I am able to travel to the Uk for taking the test. However without a UK address i am not permitted to actually take the test. I am told i need a letter form the home office to bepermitted to take the test but i have not been able to find how to contact the home office for such a letter. all of their info phone lines and e-mail addresses produce automated responses which do not address my problem. Can anyone offer any advice on how to take the life in the UK test while living outside the UK?
8 years ago
Hello Ka Ba, I am in exactly the same situation. Did you find an answer, have you taken the test and, more importantly have you got British citizenship via the designated service route? I would be very interested to share experiences with you.