  • funny009
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14 years ago

Hello there, 

i was wondering if i can get some advice. i am on a spouse visa (marriage) and due to apply for ILR in march 2011. we aree receiving child tx credit, working tax credis and child bnefit as well. All the application were made under my wife's name and she is a british citizen but in the form i was required to put my details i.e. in the forms of tax credits and child benefits. so would there be any issues with my applications? Also what do i tick in the section of the ILR form where it says receipt of the public funds.

Thanks in advance


14 years ago

Hi: This has also happened to me except i was the one recieving the fund as they normally give it to the mum. My husband is british but they gave the funds to me. I called the tax credit people and had them send me a letter saying that my son has rights to the tax credits as he is british but that they are putting the funds into my account. So i just sent off that letter with my application. So if the funds are going into your account and not your wifes account just have the tax people write you a letter stating that your wife is elegible for these funds, but that are going into your account. Now if they are NOT going into your account then just tick NO in the application.

Hope this helps,
