I have been in the UK for 4 years, and would have got my PR by now, had the rules not changed (and remained as they were 4 years ago, i.e., PR after 4 years, and no requirements for 'Life in UK' test).
As of now, the rule for applying for indefinite stay asks for continuous 5 years plus 'Life in UK' test, so, I will have to wait till May next year before I can apply for the Indifinite Leave to Remain, and have to clear my 'Life in UK' test.
I saw the details of New points based system that is to start in the new year. Please refer to Immigrations and Nationality Directorate website - http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/aboutus/newsarchive/newpointsbasedsystem
I am not sure if I should spend money to go through the 'Life in the UK' book and give the exam now, so that I could apply for PR immediately after completing 5 years. What if the rules change, and all this wait plus exam fees go waste. Because at that time, I might have to get myself assessed against the point system. I may or may not have sufficient points as per the new points system, so I might not be in a position to apply for indefinite Leave to remain at that time?
If anyone has any information, please could you share with me/us.
Many Thanks !
A Person waiting for his PR for ages .... :(
P.S. I had come to UK in Jan 2000 and have been here in the UK for most of these years. I could not apply for my PR before because I had gone out of country in year 2002 for about 9 months, for an assignment due to my job that I have been doing since 1996. If the rules change again, it would really be very distressing :(