18 years ago
I don't know the idea behind it but I know someone else who was asked exactly the same question. It is not a legal requirement to have been in a certain address for a certain amount of time to qualify for a British passport but they sent him the same letter as yours and he had eventually provided them with a letter from his GP or Bank.( I dont remember exactly which one)

18 years ago


my family got PR in january. i want to apply british passport for them, they are under 18. can i apply now? how long does it take?

  • malikw
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18 years ago
I am not sure what you meant by "PR".  If it is ILR then you need to apply for their Citizenship first before they can get British Passport.  If you or your spouse also have ILR and due for citizenship then you can apply for your children at the same time.
18 years ago
my family got PR which is permenent residence in january. i want to apply british passport for them, they are under 18. can i apply now? how long does it take?
18 years ago

i am a british citiezen.  My wife and my children got ILR in january. I want to apply briritish passport for my children and they are under 18. Is it possible to apply now? Can i register for them?

18 years ago


i want to apply british passport for my children. can i register now for them if they are under 16.

18 years ago

hi 🙂

not sure does anyone who have aplying passport and got a letter that told you they need a letter from your bank or GP that tell them you have living this add for more then 3 years ??? or just me got this letter ??? cos they didnt say on the from and when i useing checking service they didnt say but why now i got this letter from passport service ????