18 years ago
It doesn't get any cheaper than the information you get for FREE right here on this fantastic website.  These people have gone to a lot of time and trouble to help everyone interested in becoming a British citizen.  If you can't sit in front of your computer, where will you find the time to read a book?

  • malikw
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18 years ago

Try Internet and I think you will find on Amazon site the cheapest option. Another option is, if you have printer you can print it either screen shots or with Word but I think you need to get permission from the admin to get the printed version.

I suggest if you can't get cheaper price, don't worry about the price because it won't get more then 3-4 pound cheaper so just buy it and get it over with.

18 years ago

The book is currently on sale for £6.28 (see homepage) and it is very unlikely that you will find it cheaper than that unless someone gives it to you free of charge.

If you have a printer you can print the study materials for your own use only.

E Fidan

  • dhaleelah
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks a lot for the reply from Waheed and Fidan,

Is it possible to take print out from here? I said im not able to sit in front of the computer because my son doesnt allow me to use it but i can read it from a book :-)

Thanks a lot for ur help

18 years ago

You can print them from the website (just open the study material and click the printer icon just above the material itself) providing that it will be used for your personal use only. In other words you can print it for yourself but cannot make further copies of the book and share it your friends or sell it.

If you need further info on how to print just drop me an e-mail at

E Fidan

  • suddin
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago


I can send you book by free of cost (though I have bought it for myself).  Please send me your usual e-mail address  where I can sent it

Trust it helps you and your small baby


  • dhaleelah
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago

Hi there,

I would like to know where I can get cheap Life in Uk handbook coz i am not able to sit in front of the computer and study with a small baby at home.

someone pls help


  • dhaleelah
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
18 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks a lot for saying that u can send me the book free of cost but i have already purchased a book

Thanks a lot

Dhaleela Khan