18 years ago


I'm about to fill up our application form  for british naturalization for the whole family at the same time but im a little bit confused if i will fill up a separate application form for my children and which form i am going to use wether the form B (OS) or form N(OTS) i'm not sure please advise. thanks very much for your time.




18 years ago
The standard naturalisation application form is AN(NEW), which can be downloaded from this page - http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/applying/nationality/formsandguidance/ - on the IND website.

Form B(OS) is an application for registration applicable only to people who are already British subjects, British Protected persons, and British Overseas citizens. I have no idea what N(OTS) is - it certainly doesn't appear on the nationality application forms page in the IND website.

If you are applying for naturalisation, then AN(NEW) is the one to use
