  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago

Not only quizes, you must also read chapters at least 2 or 3 times. Here you will get same questions and the chapters are covered in these quizes. You will need to set aside about 8 hours for your study, tea time and snack time not included. You should read each of these three chapters and make notes that you think are important then you should take the quiz.
Then you read and note what you missed. Take the quiz again.  Once you have done all three chapters give it a day or two and then your review process should start and that should be one day before your actual test.

Read all three chapters taking break every 30 minutes or so.  Then do the quizes one more time. By this time average person should be able to take the test and pass it. If you think you are above average or below adjust it to your level. That should be total 8 hours of study time, plus minus 1 hour.

I hope it works for you, did for me.

18 years ago
You sound like a very controlling school teacher. What is your occupation?
  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago
College Lecturer
18 years ago
i rest my case.
18 years ago


i want to know every time i attempt a quiz.i always get the same u think by practicing them quizzes only i can pass the real test.
