15 years ago
Hi S. Ahmed, you can apply for naturalisation as British on the basis of 5 years residence in the UK or on the basis of 3 years residence in UK if you are married to a british citizen.

  • sahmed75
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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15 years ago

Hi Sammy ntezouki

Thanks for reply

yes i married with british citizen she was born here.we divorced now. can i apply for naturlization this year coz i got ILR last year july.we are not living togeather now.

my question is in my status what is the best way apply 3 years or i have to complete 5 years to apply naturaslisation as british could you please suggest me

i am very thankfull to you

S Ahmed

15 years ago


As you're not married to a british citizen anymore, you need wait till your 5 years residency in the UK is complete and this period is started from the date of your first uk's visa.

If you've divorced you would not be able to apply for your naturalization on marriage basis.

Good luck!

15 years ago
Hi S. Ahmed, yes as you are divorced now , so you have to apply on the basis of 5 years residence in UK,so you have to wait until the end of July 2011 to complete the 5 years required for your naturalisation as British citizen. Good luck.
  • sahmed75
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
14 years ago

Hello sir,

could you please any one help me to tell me about my naturlization.

i got married in Pakistan 2005 and i applied settlement visa on 2006. i came in this country july 2006 and end i got ILR july 2008. due to some reason we seperated and divorced end of last year i mean end of 2008.

my question is when i can apply for british Nationality.any possiblity i can apply this year or how long i can wait for apply my british natinality.
