16 years ago
Hi, you are eligible to apply for ILR.Before Jan.2011 you will need to apply for permanent residence by filling form EEA4. Documents needed are your current passport and your EU national spouse passport. You must provide evidence of Treaty Rights of your EU national spouse covering the 5 years like employers letters or P60 for tax or university /college letters for your EU spouse and for yourself. you will need 2 passport sized photographs. There is no fee to pay to apply using form EEA4. Good luck.

16 years ago
Thanks for your Kind Reply mate.
Just another silly question ... Can I apply on my own behalf in case my spouse is not supporting me anymore... ?
As I have been in the country for 5 complete years.
Thanks .
16 years ago
Hi, under the European Union law ,you have to proof that you was the family member (spouse) of an EEA national in these 5 years so Home Office they will ask you to provide evidence of Treaty rights for your EEA spouse. That is why there is no fee to pay because your application is under European Union law in the UK. Cheers.
16 years ago
Cheerz Mate. Thanks for your reply.
16 years ago
Hey Experts ,

I was in doubt and was searching here and there for some questions in my mind and came across this wonderful Website.

Right here is my case

I came in UK on 26-01-2004 on a Holiday Working Visa which was valid till 26-01-2006
with in that Mean time I got married with my EU national G.F and got a Dependent Visa until January 2011

Now the Question is
Am I eligible to Apply for the ILR
What sort of Documentation would I need to Apply?
How much does it Cost?

Many Thanks for your kind Reply *(if some one does ;))
