First of all, please totally ignore comments of Anonymous Anonymous. He hasn't got a clue about what he is talking about.
I would like to make it clear that under EU Regulations, permission to live with EEA national spouse (you in this case) is automatic by the operation of the law. The residence card he has in his passport is merely a confirmation of his rights.
Your husband has two options now
1. He can apply for "permanent residence" by filling up application form EEA4 (not EEA1, as you suggested). For this he will have to include proof that his spouse who is EEA national (you) have exercised treaty rights for a period of 5 years. He will have to submit your p60's to cover all five years. After a few months of making his application, he will get "permanent residence" endorsement in his passport. Once he has that, he can apply for Citizenship 1 year after that, and on this citizenship application he will only need to submit his passport and KoLL test pass certificates.
2. Other option is, that he skips EEA4 and applies for British Citizenship straight. This could only be possible if you exercised your treaty right for the first 5 years, and then a further one year perios has passed.
So, if you started working in January 2008 and kept on working until January 2013, then your husband will be eligible to apply for naturalisation in January 2014. With this citizenship application, he will have to submit proof that you were exercising treaty rights, by working etc from january 2008 to january 2013. This in turn will imply that he gained permanent residence automatically by operation of law in January 2013, and then in January 2014 he becomes eligible to apply for naturalisation as British citizen as he has spent one year "free from immigration time restrictions.
Just choose and decide which option you want to take. There is lot more information and very quirky ways in which EU regulations work. Rather than me having to explain the whole law, you can first decide which route you want to take, and then I will just explain what you need to know in your specific circumstance.
If you have any further queries, then please ask, and also mention your full work or other economic activity in UK since the day you arrived. Please mention date when your started work etc. This is the most important factor for any future applications to UKBA.
Once again, please clearly mention full and detailed work or other economic activity in UK since you arrived.regards
Edited by user
9 years ago
Reason: Not specified