18 years ago
hi there,
im married to a british(husband)too
u have to be in the uk for 3years after marriage n then u can apply for citizenship.

i got married in 2003 but came to uk in 2004july n i can apply for citizenship only after july2007

byehope this helps

17 years ago

Hi both,

I think your cases look different from each other. Izabela has come first and then get married, and you dhalaala first got married and then came to the UK.

IMHO, Izabela is elligible to apply now.

17 years ago

What about ILR? No ILR, no naturalisation/citizenship.

Once you have ILR and if you are married to a BC you can apply for citizenship immediately. Otherwise you must hold ILR for one year before  applying for citizenship.

It is two completed years as a spouse of a Uk citizen/or a person with settled status that makes you eligible to apply for ILR


see page 5 of 20

  • malikw
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17 years ago

Lets just make it very clear. Three years is a residency requirement and not a mariage requirement.  So you must be in UK for three years if you are married.  That means that if you got married after 2 years and 11 months and got ILR then you can apply for citizen ship after completing three years.

So what you wrote "I can apply only after 3 years of my marriage" is wrong.  It is not marriage requirement it is residency requirement but other things have to be considered too. That you must have ILR for even a day and you will be eligible.  Therefore, it is very important to keep track of the day you enter and any time you go out of the country and how long you stay out.

In your case you can apply for citizenship now because you have been in UK for more then 3 years.

If dhaleela did not get the ILR then she cannot apply for Citizenship even if dhaleela lives here for more then three years because of ILR condition.  Which dhaleela should have by now as it is given after 2 years of stay now.

17 years ago
HI there,
I have my ILR.Got it last year July.
So I can apply for my citizenship july 2007.
good for Izabela that she can apply now :-)
I thought We have to be in UK for 3years after marriage.
Thank you

  • izabelad
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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17 years ago


I came to the UK on the 10th March 2004. I got married on 18/04/2005 (my husband is British).

I am going to apply Naturalization this month (in the Homme Office they told me that I can apply now even if i got marred 2 years ago).

I heard today that it is not correct, and I can apply only after 3 years of my marriage.

Which information is correct?

Please advise.

Thank you.


17 years ago

My apologies and thank you Waheed. I missed typing the bit about residency requirements. Thats why I post a link to the official information incase I miss anything. I knew about it (as my husband has been through this and now has citizenship) but I have been unwell and off work , my mind is not as coherent as it normally is......