15 years ago
My partner is applying for ILR, baised on unmarried partner through my citizenship and British passport. We would have done the day service, however there were no appointments left for January in the whole country. So her application was posted on the 19th of January 2010, received on the 20th, and an acknowledgment letter received by us on the 25th.

However as yet, they still haven't deducted the money from our account. My partner phoned them today to find out when they would be deducting the account, and was phobbed of with the usual, "Oh were experiencing a HIGH level of applications atm" ect ect.... So basically when the case worker is sick and tired of that particular stack of applications making their office look untidy, and happen to glance at our application, they will see they havent yet deducted the fee, and will no doubt bounce it right back down to payments, for the whole process to start all over again. In any event, leaving me marooned in this grey drizzely/ permanently cold country for anywhere up to the next year.

However since Britain can no longer count people out anymore, (probably due to the HIGH demand in ILR applications currently being experienced at the home office, nessesitaiting them to move staff from the boarders to croydon!) ,as I am a dual citizen with Australian and British passports, what would happen if I traveled out on my Australian and then arrived to re-enter on my Australian, with the home office still holding my passport ransom?

Would our application need to be canceled for them to let me back into the country, being a citizen? Or would it just annoy them?