14 years ago
Hi Ozgur,

The character requirements for citizenship state that you only need to declare driving offences if the matter went to court.

I realise that you're not applying for citizenship but, looking at the form to extend a Tier 1 visa, question E is based on 'criminal convictions and civil judgements'. Civil proceedings mean that a case has gone to court. My understanding of fixed penalty notices is that they do not count as criminal convictions and, as for citizenship applications, they do not need to be declared.

If in doubt a call to the police station that issued the FPN or the UKBA can allay fears.

13 years ago

Hi George,

Thanks fro your email but on the good character requirements, it says "

You must give details of all unspent criminal convictions. This includes road traffic offences but not fixed penalty notices (such as speeding or parking tickets) unless they were given in court. You must include all drink-driving offences. An explanation of unspent convictions is given below."

Is there any reason why you think that I need to decleare it for citizenship applications? Is there any document I need to have a look?

thanks, Oz

13 years ago

hi colin here as far im aware    driving offences are not criminal ie speeding parking  unless a court has redemed such a particular offence as criminal

you could go to court and admit a seeding offence but its not a criminal act

if nobody was killed or seriosly injured well thats what i was told anyway

my friend was done for speeding just before her receiving a British cittizen ship and it was ok

hope ive help a little
13 years ago


On the Tier 1 application form there is a question

"Has the applicant had any criminal convictions in the United Kingdom or any other country (including traffic offences) or any civil judgments made against them?"

I have 6 penalty points because of two issues on my diving license issued by police not by court and I had paid £ 60 for each. I am not sure if I need to declare it here ?

thanks, ozgur