15 years ago

She will not be granted ILR and will stay here as your spouse.

E Fidan

15 years ago
Hi Admin can I share my related query. she will not granted ILR and will stay as dependent but how about if the spouse will take a test and pass, so what is now the next option
  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
15 years ago

There is another option:

Find an organisation that will enroll your spouse and provide a certificate in Citizenship course. They may also provide a certificate saying that spouse is enrolled and will complete the course. Everything has a price they may provide a pass certificate
15 years ago
Hi, I would like to apply for indefinite leave to remain next year. i wonder, if I passed the test and my wife failed the test, what happen to our status? does she need to take the test again? thanks
15 years ago


My wife completed a 1 day course last month and within 2 weeks got a certificate from Edexcel and a confirmation letter from College of Skills & Learning that she has attended the Citizenship course.  You have to register and a member of staff calls you back with further information.