  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago

I am sorry that you did not pass the test first time but I will be very interested to know if you did everything we suggest.  In our experience if you have set aside approximately 8 hours of study for this test, you will pass the test. It has worked for me and for most people. We usually suggest that read 3 chapters first and after each chapter take the practice quiz and note down the weaknesses you have.  This should not take you more then three hours for the three chapters and doing all the quizzes that you have on this site. Take an hour to do your review and read the chapters again keeping your weaknesses in mind. This is your review and it should take you hour to hour and a half. Take the quizzes again and then lastly day or two before the test read the chapters again and take the quizzes again.  This should take you two hours and will be second review. Two hours that should be around 8 to 8.5 hours in total.  If you are still not comfortable spend extra time. 8 Hours is not the limit.  Some people might do it in 3 hours and some might take 24 hours of reading time and practicing.


I think for people who want to take the test in future would definitely get help, if you can tell us what you did or what you were unable to do. I am sure your suggestion will help others to improve on their studies.


18 years ago

Sorry to hear that you have failed.

There should be around 30 different set of questions but they are mostly similar to each other. When you mention the questions were different, do you mean they are asking things that are not asked in our practice tests at all?

I don't think I quite understood second part of your post.

E Fidan
18 years ago

i went to the test and i fail, guys on this website i was 100 % past but in the test centre in Liverpool the question i've got was diffiren from this website.

how do i get the the small bock editor 2 ?
18 years ago
u dnt hve to memories  only answers in this side all u hve to do is remember all questions n its answers n try to understand it well in actual test they asked same things by different ways to confused u so i suggest u to read study material too to get clear picture how life in uk works once u did trice den b confident n u ll b passed