  • hamid
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14 years ago
why? think of the hassle: Life in the UK test, cost of citizenship and passport, and the jury service... it's your call but I see no benefits. I have an EEA passport as well and lived in the UK 26 years - I am doing well without it!

14 years ago

I wouldn't suggest applying for citizenship, but you can apply for permanent residence after 5 years as long as you have been "in employment, in self-employment, studying or self-sufficient in the UK throughout the 5-year period." (From the UKBA guidance)

Apart from voting one of the main advantages of permanent residence is that your family members can join you in the UK, even if they aren't from the EEA. Another is that you are only eligible to apply for social housing and can get help from the council if you become homeless.

If you aren't worried about voting but are planning on staying in the UK it could be as well to register as a permanent resident. For EEA/Swiss nationals this doesn't expire and it would be a great help should the worst happen and your home is at risk.

The UKBA has information about how to apply here if you want more guidance - http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/applyingundereuropeanlaw/

Hope this helps clarify things a bit
13 years ago
I am also curious about the benefits of this.

I am an EUI citizen, my wife is entitled to a British passport through her father, and my kids are entitled because theyw ere born here.

I want a British passport, and have no concrete reason why, except "because I am entitled to one", and because I see myself and my family living here for the next 20 years or more.

I suspect it may become more difficult to get one in a few years, and want to get it while it is relatively easy (if a bit expensive)

If I wanted to move to a Commonwealth country, would the British passport confer any more benefits than another EU passport?
13 years ago

That's exactly what I have been wondering for a while now. The only thing I can think of is 'just in case' some law changes in the future regarding immigration and EEA citizens can have some problems staying in the UK or something similar, other than that... I cannot see the point :S

It'd be good if someone comes up with a real good/bad reason though...

  • sbkoch
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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13 years ago
Hi all,

I have a very fundamental question - I'm sincere, not trying to be funny or anything.

I'm an EU citizen (Austrian) and have lived here continuously for five years - worked, paid taxes etc. It has been suggested to me that I could now apply for British citizenship. But my question is, why?

As an EU citizen, apart from voting in the national elections, why would I apply for British citizenship? What's the advantage?
