  • nukunukoo
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12 years ago

Considering the amount of the processing fee, I want to make sure that I submit this form/Documents at the right time. It states that I should not submit the form earlier than 28 days at the end of my 2-year allowed stay. Here are my details:

(1) Today, (Feb 6, 2012) marks my second year of physically being here in the UK.
(2) My Visa for staying will expire on April 15, this year.

Is it okay for me to submit Set(M) now?

Regards to all!


12 years ago
Yes you can apply now, as you have spent 2 years of stay in UK.
Just to clarify for others, you could have actually applied 28 before your 2 years were up. You have correctly understood that 2 years are to be counted from date of entering UK.