14 years ago
I m having problem filling the application form for Tier 1 (general).
I have downloaded the "Application form VAF9 - PBS Migrant" and "PBS Appendix 1 General Migrant self assessment form"

1.Now in Part5b of VAF9 form, it is asking for the Birth date of my mother and father( what have they got to do with my parents birth date!!!!). But I dont know their birth date, my father died many years ago and I cant even give their birth certificates as proof. What should I do now?

2. In part 4(Previous Earnings Assessment) of Assessment form, there are four rows of start and end date for previous earning in 4.5. Why is that and how many should I fill up?

3. In 4.6, the boxes are too small to fill the information and there are rows of boxes. Its a bit confusing to me.

4. In 4.8, there are 9 types of documents to provide, Should I put cross only on what I have ? (I have only payslips and bank statement supporting my salary, does it suffice or the more the better?)

5. Do I need to submit the document produced by electronic point calculator.

COULD anybody pls give me a sample filled up application form