15 years ago


I am on same situation and want the help on similar thing, I have been on work permit for 5 years but first year is Tier 1(SEGS).

Will that be counted during application for ILR.

I believe it should be 5 years on work permit, but I am not 100 % sure.



15 years ago
Hi, just so you know, i have called the home office, and they have confirm, that it has to be 5 years work permit. no SEGS.
15 years ago
Me and my husband would like to apply for ILR this year, however, there
are 2 things that we are not sure about. We are going to apply on work
permit basis. He has been working for 5 years this year, however, the
first year is on tier 1 (SEGS at the time) and 4 years work permit.

Can we combine those 2 together and apply for ILR on work permit basis
or it has to be 5 years with work permit. thanks